Hello Aspirants this is the simplest booklist you will ever get also these are more than enough to clear ssc mts 2024 exam. I will tell you why, based on facts.
See after 2021 pattern of ssc mts has changed drastically you only need to get good score in English and Gk i.e. session 2 of mts exam rest session 1 i.e. Maths & Reasoning is qualifying.
Now this English Section actually require two things first understanding of few rules and a sound command over grammer and a bit of vocab.
Gk section particularly require cramming of facts,current affairs & command over previous year gk questions of other ssc exams as well as of mts exam.
Q. Now why do actually need these books ?
Answer : the particular reasons is mentioned below every book.
(This section will create base marks for clearing the cutoff, means we need to do atleast 23 Q correct at any cost so that we have some margin for error in gk section , don't be afraid ki itna score karna mushkil hai please have faith you can do it, people even do 25 out of 25 correct)
1. Plinth to Paramount By Neetu Singh : https://amzn.to/4c3Hr7o
This book is bible and its non avoidable also this will let you the basic rules of grammer.
2. Mirror of common errors By Ashok Kumar :https://amzn.to/3PcFoEl
This book is only for spotting the error questions, i didn't wanted to add many books but with errors q we can't take the risk.. this books has many practice q too..and iff you are good at error q than don't buy it.
General knowledge
1. Lucent : https://amzn.to/3VecwPT
Manohar Pandey : https://amzn.to/3wIIaL9
Buy either of the two NOT both !
Problem with lucent is its bulkiness but it is quite exaustive, whereas manohar pandey is crisp Kunji coverage is not exaustive.. but i will still go with manohar pandey reason i explained in video on youtube.
2. Current affairs : Biggest headache for aspirants , see i will give you a solution once and for all, get a thin half yearly magzine from the book store and do 3-4 readings of it that sit. do it again for next six month too and your current affairs are done . i guess ssc mts 2024 exam will be conducted in august 2024, do current affairs from july 2023 till july 2024 it will suffice.
Book if i would recommend is Ghatna Saar , because of two reason first very thin and almost exaustive, you will get it for about 90rs.(picture shown in video)
After these four book you only need two more book for FINAL TOUCH.
1. Kiran Gk Previous Year Book Till december 2023 : https://amzn.to/3V5qi75
2. Kiran English Previous Year Book Till december 2023 : https://amzn.to/3VqPkOv
why do need these books ?
Ans. Firstly to get idea of the questions generally asked by ssc, secondly for practice , thirdly most importantly for value addition and enriching knowledge base.
Thats all Just these Six books when consumed with ssc mts previous year paper particularly of 2022,2023 will get you the desired result i.e Joining Letter of SSC MTS 💖
Jai Hind
Wish You Luck